Designing an e-learning platform

Project overview


IM junior

IM Junior is a group of self-taught developers who aim to provide free resources and a community for self-learners who are new to software development.


  • concept proofing and help establish MVP features

  • design a structured and interactive learning experience

  • create a landing page and sign up flow


UX Research, UX Design, UI Design, Content Design, Visual Design

Research and discovery

Surveyed 32 participants and interviewed 5 users

From research we learnt for self learners the biggest challenge was not the motivation to start but staying on track and continuing to learn.

Reasons behind this loss of motivation over time were:

  • Too many materials available online

  • Difficult language (tech jargon)

  • Not having peers to do code review

  • Difficulty finding all information in one place

  • Being stuck with a problem for a long time

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